Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What Is Research and Why Should I Use It

People are surrounded by research and statistics to persuade them without even realizing it. While watching TV, you may see a commercial that claims an allergy medicine is recommended by "4/5 doctors." That is research. Research is information that will help us support a point. In this case, the point is to buy a specific allergy medicine. Hearing that the majority of doctors recommend it is a great strategy for using research to persuade the public.
This also shows that research makes us better consumers. Not only of products, but of information and research as well. News stories and media coverage use research to back up their stories; we must have a knowledge of research to understand this.
People should always use research when persuading because it provides a solid, unbreakable background of information which supports an idea. This makes the person seem reliable and their point comes on much stronger, and people are much more likely to want to be persuaded.

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