Sunday, June 24, 2012

Reflection Project 2

The writing project for project 2 was really eye opening for me. While conducting my interviews, I was surprised by the answers I received. First, I think I thought that technology was nonexistent in my parent's time and especially my grandparent's time. I was not surprised, though, to find out that having a TV was really rare in my grandparent's time. When my Mom talked to me about my grandparent's life in the Netherlands I was so intrigued. Less than 100 years ago people would have to just walk over to each others house. Now, we can call, text, email, drive, and communicate through pretty much everything. I am really glad I did this project because it was interesting and I got to find out a lot of fun facts about technology years ago, communicating years ago, and how it was impacted our generation!

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